Decorate for a Holiday Party
Boxwood garlands are versatile pieces to add to your holiday decor. The garlands bring a fresh scent of the outdoors and add a touch of green to your Christmas decorations. If you're planning a holiday party or simply decorating a space for the holiday season, boxwood garlands are a great addition.
You can easily decorate a railing or staircase with these holiday garlands. Add ornaments like white fairy lights for a shimmery festive look. Garlands also drape beautifully across windows or fireplace mantels, creating a forest look for the holiday season and the rest of winter.
Create a Woodland Wedding
For couples planning a winter wedding or those who want a woodland theme, preserved garlands add a touch of the outdoors. Boxwood garlands could be hung on a wedding arch for a woodsy feel or draped across tables along with decor like birch bark vases and brown fairy lights or
If you want to buy garlands online for a luxurious holiday venue, Jamali Gardens has wholesale options to save you money.