Create a romantic atmosphere with our dozen red roses bouquet. These vibrant dark red roses mimic the texture and appearance of their natural counterparts without the need for watering and additional maintenance. The realistic brown stems are adjustable and offer the option to trim the size to fit a specific vase or a bouquet for brides or bridesmaids.
Our red roses bouquet features the best quality materials to ensure the flowers do not lose their gorgeous coloring over time. Each flower will also keep its shape, allowing easy storage between events. Use this bouquet in arrangements for events again and again for a cost-effective way to let creativity bloom.
Potential Uses
Add a touch of elegance to weddings, Valentine's Day parties, and other special events with our red rose bouquet. One possibility for this bouquet is to place it into our gold urn vase to add some visual interest to a tablescape or a mantle. The classic lines and golden hue of our urn will complement the deep red color of the roses, giving your event a timeless feel.
Our red roses bouquet also combines well with our other silk flower options to create permanent displays you can use at multiple events. Combine the artificial rose bouquet with our yellow cabbage rose and our pink peony for a vibrant display that mimics the appearance of natural flowers and adds a fun, fresh feel to any space.
Whether you want to buy bouquets in bulk or need a few pieces for your event, Jamali Garden has you covered. We offer many discounts when you buy wholesale to help you save time and money while creating eye-catching displays.